Opening Keynote
Accelerate 2017 – VTS Annual User Conference
I can think of few things other than keynotes at annual user conferences that are as…
- Important and impactful (not only for the event but the company’s image)
- Contested internally
- Heavy a team effort
As a product marketer, one of my largest responsibilities is guarding our messaging. Inconsistent messages erode trust in the market. As such, it’s my job to ensure we’re commanding a consistent & confident message.
Accelerate 2017 was a unique opportunity for VTS because it was our first user conference both ever (Hightower, the company we acquired, did one in previous years) and since we came together as one company. It was a critical moment for us to show our customers and the market that we had our sh*t together and could be trusted.
I spent many hours with the team shaping and perfecting our storyline, informing deck content and design and rehearsing with execs. Here’s the final product of the opening keynote that we delivered to 300+ commercial real estate professionals.