Sell, Market, Advertise, Automate – Justin Topliff, Jonathan Hunt, Dan Rosen & Andy O’Donoghue
WebSummit 2015, December 2015
In 2015 I had the honor of traveling to Dublin, Ireland for WebSummit 2015 and representing Infusionsoft. I had the chance to tell speak about marketing automation and how Infusionsoft was changing the world for small business in front of 45,000 people. View the recording at right and check out the blog post I wrote detailing my experience, why I think the argument against conferences is misplaced and how product marketers can prep conference attendees to best represent your company’s brand and product here.
Accelerating pipelines, driving revenue, and aligning marketing and sales objectives are all never-ending goals of the modern business. But how is the next generation of software and automation making that a reality for publishers and brands? Justin Topliff of Infusionsoft, Jonathan Hunt of Vox Media and Dan Rosen of Telefonica will outline with Andy O’Donoghue of TV3 : The Gadget Buzz.

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