I’ve been thinking about what to write for the past week and still have writer’s block. Maybe I’m anxious, I thought to myself. Ah! I know what will help. A glass of wine! All the best bloggers I know (the entertaining ones, at least) write over booze. Plus, I’m in marketing (you probably are too), so who are we kidding? It’s all liquor and guessing.
I’ve thrown away three bottles of wine in my life. This was the fourth.
Great start.
For the record, I don’t recommend 2011 Di Majo Norante Biferno Ramitello.
Moving along.
Let’s get four things out of the way that you’re probably dying to know as a reader. (Thank you, Google and Mack Collier for coming to the rescue after the wine didn’t work.)
- Who am I? Great question. Why should you listen to me? Better question. Let’s start from the top. My name’s Justin Topliff. You can call me JT if you want. I’m a tech marketer driven by wanting to build things that change peoples’ lives and get shit done. (I was on the fence about swearing on my professional blog, but since T-Mobile’s CEO does it and Fast Company says it’s okay, I’ll let my real self shine through. There. Reason #1 you should listen to me- I’m genuine.) Check out my LinkedIn if you want to see what’ I’ve been up to. We’ll call those results reason #2 for listening to what I have to say.
- Why am I blogging? I want to make you a better marketer by sharing my epiphanies, mistakes, knowledge and experiments. I’ve learned a lot of what I know thanks to successful people who have taken the time to share their knowledge. I figured it’s time for me to pay it forward.
- What will I be blogging about? Mainly tech marketing. It’s what I do and am good at. From time to time, I may sprinkle in posts on the other things I love: cars, planes, travel and wine.
- How can you engage with me? Comment on my posts! Connect with me on social. Tell me what you’d like to hear about. Want my help? I offer one-on-one consulting. Need a sassy speaker for your next event? I do that too. Want even more value than what you’ll get from this blog? I’m working on a suite of educational products and will let you know when they’re ready.
Alright, I think that’s it! Buckle up!